miercuri, 2 iulie 2008



As they walked along, our characters came across a few interesting experiences. It wouldn't seem that interesting to us, humans, but then, they are just pins. And if I were you, I wouldn't underestimate them, their sensitivity, and perception of life.

Safety Pin: Boooring.....

Pin: Yeah...Pretty much. That's what happens with limited beings like us. We don't get to live what THEY live.

Safety Pin: Don't you think sometimes that THEY don't deserve the life they were given?

Pin: Sometimes yeah...some people yeah...but I saw some good examples too, you know!

Safety Pin: Hey let's stop here for an ice cream! You look like you need one (winks)

Pin: Haha...yes, sure...it's very hot...but maybe you shouldn't eat ice creams so often, buddy! hehe...

Safety Pin: Ex-cuuuse meee?!?

Pin: Just look at your belly, SAFETY PIN !!!

Safety Pin: You.....!!! (he sees they have strawberry ice cream too) Uuuu...strawberry! Yuuuumyyy! Come to mamma...(hypnotized)...let's go buddy!

Pin: (nods his head, a smile on his face) Yeah...let's!

They enter the Swiss cafe.

Pin: Swiss? Are you sure?!?

Safety Pin: Don't worry: it's on me.

Pin: Hockey then.

Safety Pin: By the way, I love the game.

Waitress: Hello! What would the gentlemen like?

Pin: Juicy Jupiter!!!

Safety Pin: You'll have to excuse his spasmodic tic. His...(whispers to her ear) mind went to Honolulu since his girlfriend dumped him.

Waitress: It's gonna be all right. (taps his shoulder)

Pin: (mesmerized)

Safety Pin: Yes. Two strawberry ice creams.

Waitress: On their way!

Pin: Wow isn't she cute? I always loved blondes.

Safety Pin: OK OK...you were saying something about not all being the same.

Pin: (thinks a bit)...oh yeah...I was once the property of a little girl...Susie...

Safety Pin: The Susie?

Pin: Yeah yeah...remember her...anyway...she was working on something...a project for kindergarten...she made a beautiful paper tree...I was the lucky pin to hold the crown and the trunk together!

Safety Pin: Wow...neat, man!

Pin: You bet...so her older sister wanted to help her...but Susie said no. She wanted to do it all by herself.

Safety Pin: Yup! Sounds like Susie...

Pin:...and she pricked her finger.

Safety Pin: Oh nooo!!! Did her parents take her to the hospital?

Pin: No. Apparently, this type of injury is not that severe.

Safety Pin: OOhhh...(lost in thoughts)

Pin: ...but! The thing I admire about her is...she didn't throw me to the garbage after I hurt her!

Safety Pin: Well...it isn't like it was your fault or anything...This ice cream is more delicious than Beyonce!

Pin: Like you've ever tasted her. Anyway. Yes, it wasn't my intention to hurt her, but she actually understood it and...forgave me in a strange way.

Safety Pin: Yes...some of THEM are really nice. (they both smile)

Pin: So...how long till we get there?

Safety Pin: After we leave this place, not much.

Pin: Good.

(both eat their ice creams like two babies)

4 comentarii:

Ron spunea...

hmmm........well at 1 part pin seems more mature thn he is.....he is jus crazzzzyyy...i like dis guy....safety pin n pin made a gr8 team so far....i come across lotsa ppl like safety pin ...all they need is a lil craziness!!!
waitin for more....

Winnie the poohi spunea...

these pins r real smart

Detached. spunea...

the Pin is Me. B-)whl

Ishaan spunea...

Okay me want the strawberry ice cream too lolzzz