marți, 10 iunie 2008

The Longest Walk

Day 1

'Do you think we still have a lot to walk?' asked the pin.

'No. We're almost there', replied the safety pin.

'Oh...' (the pin wipes off the sweat on his huge forehead)

Safety pin
: Huh. (a sarcastic smile on his face)

: What huh? (stops walking)

Safety pin
: Nothing, okay? (bites his lips)

: Jerk (coughs).

Safety pin
: I beg your pardon?

: Nothing. Actually no. (laughs out loud) You are a jerk. J-E-R-K.

Safety pin
: Oh you want to know what I found to be so funny?

Yes, I reckon that would be a fair thing to do. Galloping galaxies!!! (eyes coming out of their

Safety pin
: What?!?

: Sorry, that's just my spasmodic tic. Forget it.

Safety pin
: O-o-k-a-a-y. (just to himself) Odd.

: For a word meant to be heard only by you, that was quite loud. And the tic is really not my

Safety pin
: Heh. No problem weirdo.

: (only to himself) Why did I even accept to go with him? I mean the beach will be crowded anyway, I don't need another goof with me.

Safety pin
: (didn't hear a thing; keeps walking)

: How much of the road still left?

Safety pin
: Not much. We're almost there.

4 comentarii:

Ravi D spunea...

You have a blog and you can write jokes while walking towards a beach with someone whose name starts with 'J'.


Ron spunea...

now whr's da serious 1 u tld me bout.............dis 1 is good.....waitin to see ur serious side!!! :)eln

Winnie the poohi spunea...

whats with the safety pin?

Ishaan spunea...

The pin is so sarcastic :D i like him